



I just wanted to post something...


I had a lot to say, but the moment my hands touched the keyboard I forgot. I need to finish a lot of stuff, and I only have time to doodle in class hah. Intensives have started and teaching isn't easy. I taught them how to use the freeform line tool, and inspector tools, and the rest of the day I sat and watched them and answered a lot of stupid questions....

I've been trying to finish rf4 and pkmnx but alas no time. 
In rf4, I've only collected 1 of the 4 rune spheres aaaaaaa so close to getting married tooOOoo!! Another thing I want to put out, I have such nice friends who gave me really nice bday messages and a  certain friend who drew me smth that I can't stop looking at and another certain friend who even sang for me/// HhhH/// I love friends ; w ;